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Are psychedelics another piece of this puzzle?

A unique opportunity to invest in mental health technology

*sponsored by Psycheceutical Bioscience

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are in full swing of the holiday spirit!

I had a nice time visiting my family and even met a fellow RB member, SAM, at the blackjack table.  Sam was CRUSHING the most non-traditional blackjack bets I have ever seen đź’Ş Who would know that traders also like gambling?

Nice to meet you, Sam!

I have met more members at casinos than anywhere else. 

Besides a love for casinos, another thing we traders seem to have in common is stress…

In my first interview with Chad Harman, CEO of Psycheceutical Bioscience, I semi-joked that most traders likely have PTSD, as our conversation turned to one of the main problems Psycheceutical – our partner in Boardroom Investing – is striving hard to combat.

Besides soldiers, it is estimated that about 13 million people struggle with PTSD in a given year! It’s a serious problem without a truly viable solution.

Despite the prevalence of mental illness in our world today, current treatments are relying heavily on decades-old technology. The magnitude of this problem needs everything including the kitchen sink thrown at it! 

That’s where this top biotech startup comes in. Psycheceutical is using cutting-edge patented technologies to bring psychedelics and pharmaceuticals together to create safer and more effective mental health treatments. 

How is the company doing this?

By developing two patented delivery technologies to bring this technology into the current century with its novel administration route and targeted therapeutic effects.

You can read more about these technologies and its NeuroDirect™ topical ketamine formula for the treatment of PTSD – that is administered without entering the bloodstream – in this newly released ARTICLE, which states:

“NeuroDirect’s technology asserts that its topical ketamine formula can hit free nerve endings on the back of the neck, below the hairline, igniting rapid therapeutic relief without dissociation or adverse side effects.”

And guess what? 

The preliminary results are worth celebrating!  Read all about them HERE.

Not only are the initial results for this technology promising, they also could be a GAME CHANGER in terms of cost and accessibility

For decades, scientists have known that psychedelics such as ketamine and psilocybin have powerful potential for lifesaving mental health treatment. The therapeutic use of psychedelics for depression, PTSD, anxiety, and more is a growing industry, with billions of dollars being poured into psychedelic R&D.

However, significant medical & technological limitations have kept these medications from being safe, effective, and widely accessible.

That’s where Psycheceutical’s groundbreaking new precision-dosing technologies come in, as they’re designed to allow for high bioavailability of compounds to target cells, increased cellular uptake, and provide immediate and sustained symptom relief WITHOUT hallucinogenic effects!

The work that this company – trading as BWVI on the OTC market – is doing is truly revolutionary. 

So what can you do (besides wait in anticipation for this exciting new development?!)?

Psycheceutical is seeking investors to come alongside them in their mission to develop this technology and combat the effects of mental health illnesses. They are an early-stage company that relies on investment to continue with Research & Development and would welcome you to join them. 

If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, you can partner with them through their Wefunder campaign.  You’ll have access to early bird pricing and more favorable terms.  As always, do your own due diligence before you decide to invest in any startup.

Give this a deep dive and consider the chance to be a part of groundbreaking medical advances to help those affected by mental illnesses.  We’re all rooting for you, Chad and Psycheceutical!

Jeff Bishop

*Sponsored content. Like all investments, this investment involves substantial risk. Please see full disclosures below.

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