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  • [FREE] Options Selling Training TONIGHT 8pm EST

[FREE] Options Selling Training TONIGHT 8pm EST

...and lessons from Fairleigh Dickinson 🏀


Good evening, Boardroom!

I don’t know about you, but I love watching March Madness, especially now that my boys are older.  

When one of my sons asked me if “Fairleigh Dickinson” was a real school after its jaw-dropping elimination of #1 Purdue last week, I have to admit thoughts of “Bishop Sycamore” went through my head.  

You remember that fake high school (advertised as an Ohio high school powerhouse) that played against IMG (a breeding ground for NFL talent) back in 2021?

Bishop Sycamore was walloped 58-0
But it was not until IMG completely DESTROYED an actual high school (West Toronto Prep) 96-0 (game called at half-time) that some perspective was had
and the Tweeters came out in true form as expected:

shaq tweet

Yes, Shaq, we all do

This got me thinking about how my experience as not only a trader but as a business owner, father, husband and just a person has changed over the past few decades.

And they are sort of all wrapped up together

I have to admit, I used to swing for the fences in trading.  If you know me, I love gambling and taking risks.  My favorite dreams honestly were about the police chasing me (not so much any more 😅). 

I loved the adrenaline rush of hitting a trade out of the park.  It was addicting – can you relate?  

However, over this past decade I’ve really learned the importance of dialing it in, establishing rules (and sticking to them) and just having overall discipline on a daily basis.  

Sure I still like my occasional swing for the fences but what I’ve learned to value in trading is approaching trading as a discipline.

That’s why I put so much into teaching my option selling strategy to people. 

I truly think this is the core strategy that makes the most sense for 99% of traders, but only a small percentage of folks are actually using this.

I’ve asked a lot of traders I’ve met over the years why they don’t sell options? 

The typical response I get is that “It sounds too difficult”... “I’ve heard of people losing a lot of money that way”... “I just don’t think I can do it” (even though they have never tried).

I understand that learning something new (even if it is best for you) can be challenging.  It’s like going to the gym for the first time ever, or after you’ve taken a long break.  You just don’t feel confident about it.

That’s a big reason why I am hosting a weekly live session to teach my son, Peyton, how to do this from the ground up.

He isn’t a gifted trader.  He doesn’t understand advanced math.  He doesn’t have any “secret sauce” when it comes to trading.

I am using him to show you that anyone can learn this.

Our next training session is tonight (Tues March 21st) @ 8pm EST.

Use this link to join us at 8pm: 

👆 Make sure you set a reminder for tonight! 👆

I want you to join us LIVE and come ask all of your questions as well.  This is a great opportunity to learn the “family business”.

Using a disciplined, rules based system I have been able to put together trades this year that I am proud of from a trading perspective, but more importantly from a teaching perspective.

Bookie trades history

(👆all options selling trades I have walked Bookie members thru this year👆)

Is $21,000 in profits in under 3 months something that is life changing?

For some people it might be, but honestly I’ve had many trades where I have made multiples of that in a single trade.

For me, it is not about the actual dollar amount.  It is about the roadmap for what I hope to do month after month.

I could have traded smaller sizes with the same trades above, and made $2000 this year.  I could have traded bigger and made $200,000 on the same trades.

The point is that I am working hard to rack up consistent winning trades for the purpose of teaching.

I really want everyone out there to watch my trading with 100% transparency to learn how I navigate the markets with this style of trading in the real-world.

Like this recent trade on GDX (gold miners). I was betting that at the very least, GDX wouldn’t go much lower.  Doesn’t that sound a lot easier than trying to pick a price it needs to get to in order for you to win?

I walked all of my members through this trade from start to finish, in email and app alerts before I even made a move in trading

Bookie alerts

That little trade netted me over $1300 in profit, or a 53% win in just a few days.

I have a very good reason I aim for 50% profits over and over.  I always talk about this with members.

Now, I would love for you to take advantage of this and join me in the “Wall Street Bookie” program. 

I understand the hestitancy here, but I am going to make this as easy as possible.

For the first time ever, I am offering a low-cost trial so you can test this out on your own before committing to work with me for the entire year.

I really think this is the core strategy that everyone should be using.  I am teaching it to my own son – and I want to teach it to you as well.

Get off the fence and take the leap to learn something that will transform the way you look at the markets, forever.

Get started with Wall Street Bookie today, and learn how to start harnessing the power of high-probability option selling in your favor.

Take advantage of this super low-priced opportunity to join right now.


P.S.  If you have any questions about Wall Street Bookie, call Jeff Brown @ 800-585-4488 or ([email protected]), and he would be happy to answer any questions, talk about any special offers, payment plans, and help you in any way possible.

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